As Magoffin County Public Health Director I would like to welcome you to our website, and along with our Facebook site we hope to share with you the programs and services we provide.
Our goal for our website is to enable you to be able to answer any question you have about our Health Department and also providing contact information so you will be able to find any health service you need in our area.
As Director I have found my staff to be friendly,courteous ,and professional. I hope you will take advantage of the services we offer and although we encourage you to utilize our website please stop in and see us at the Magoffin County Health Department. We all have one main goal and that is a more healthy and safe Magoffin County.
James Pete Shepherd DMD
Magoffin Public Health Director
Give Me A Reason Drug Testing Program
The Give Me A Reason drug prevention initiative is a voluntary drug testing program of the Appalachia High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area HIDTA) and Operation UNITE, designed as a way for our youth to avoid peer pressure and give them a reason to say “no” to drug use. When confronted with drugs, this initiative provides youth an opportunity to say: “I can’t use drugs, my parents drug test me!” Give Me A Reason will provide free saliva-based drug testing kits to parents or caregivers. The non-invasive test is then given within the privacy of your home with results in approximately 10 minutes. Kits are available here at the health department.
For more information view "Give Me A Reason".
Kentucky Health Alerts: Zika Virus Disease
Zika virus disease, an infectious disease spread through the bite of a mosquito, is considered by the World Health Organization to be a serious international public health threat. Although many people who contract Zika virus infection have mild or no symptoms, pregnant women are thought to be at particular high risk for complications after Zika virus exposure, because the virus has been linked with the birth of babies who have defects in their brains. Like many viruses, Zika can be acquired from the bite of an infected mosquito. The virus is currently circulating in various parts of the world where Kentuckians could be traveling.
The Kentucky Department for Public Health is working closely with the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to provide guidance and education to health professionals and the general public regarding the Zika virus disease. Visit the link below for more information about the Zika virus disease. For additional Kentucky questions or assistance, call (888) 973-7678 during business hours.
Zika Virus Disease Information